Anxiety is an extremely common problem and most people feel anxious from time to time. In most instances, these short and temporary feelings of anxiety are a result of a particularly stressful time or experience. The feelings of anxiety usually subside once the peak of the pressure has passed. However, for some individuals, their feelings of anxiety persist much longer and can invade various aspects of their day to day lives, making it difficult to cope with even the most straightforward of tasks. This could be anything from holding down a job to a trip to the supermarket. 


Different types of anxiety and the symptoms you may experience

Many people are surprised to learn that there are actually various different types of anxiety and each manifests with slightly different symptoms. Some of the most common types of anxiety include the following:


Generalized anxiety 

This is the most common type of anxiety and affects many people of all ages and backgrounds, although the worry you experience may be centered around a specific thing, such as social interactions, your health or that of a family member, or your relationship. People who have generalized social anxiety disorder tend to live their lives feeling perpetually ‘on edge’. This tension makes it difficult for them to relax and can cause them to overreact or be hypersensitive to situations that would ordinarily incite a more placid response. 


Social anxiety

Social anxiety is also extremely common and can have a profound effect on the individual’s ability to make and sustain personal relationships. People with social anxiety are primarily concerned with what other people may think about them, and this can make it hard for them to form friendships and romantic relationships with others, or to have a fulfilling social life. They may find that they over-analyze what is said to them looking for hidden messages or maybe scared to offer opinions to those around them. 


Panic disorder

Also known as panic attacks, this is where the individual has repeated and completely unexpected episodes of intense anxiety that makes it impossible for you to function at that time. Symptoms of an anxiety attack include:

  • A racing heart

  • Feeling weak, faint or dizzy

  • Tingling in the hands and fingers

  • Sweating 

  • Chest pains

  • Breathing problems

Panic attacks can last anywhere from a few seconds to upwards of 15 minutes depending on the individual and the situation. 


Typical causes of anxiety

There are a wide range of different things that can cause anxiety, with some of the most common triggers including:

  • Stress at home or in your personal relationships

  • Stress at work

  • Emotional trauma 

  • Drug or alcohol abuse

  • Childhood trauma

  • Diet/obesity/eating disorders

  • Side effects from medication

  • Illness (your own or that of a close friend or family member)

  • Exams 



How counseling can help you to manage your anxiety

A counselor is trained to diagnose anxiety and provide a treatment which will teach you effective strategies for coping with your anxiety so that the symptoms that you experience will have less of an impact on your ability to live a happy and fulfilling life. 

There is a range of different counseling techniques which may be used to help individuals to overcome their anxiety. Some of the most common and effective include the following:


Talking Therapy

Standard counseling is also known as talking therapy. This is because the main technique involves you talking about your worries with your counselor, who acts as an impartial sounding board. Each counseling session is entirely confidential, and individuals can safely release the emotions that they may have been holding in, whether this is crying, shouting, talking, or thinking. Your counselor will listen to them and help you find your own answers to problems without judgment. Most talking therapy sessions are held face to face, but it may be possible to have them over the phone or via video call. 


Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT)

CBT is a fairly well-known technique for managing issues that trigger episodes of anxiety. The primary focus of CBT is on changing the way in which you think and behave and respond to the events happening that are causing you anxiety. By breaking your problems down into smaller and easier to manage parts and changing the way in which you think about them, you can learn to manage them more effectively.

CBT also usually takes place over a number of sessions. You will probably initially be given a set number of sessions, which may be extended if your counselor feels that this would be beneficial. You may also be given activities to complete at home in between your sessions, such as keeping a diary of your thoughts and feelings and how you are coping. 


Exposure Therapy

If your anxiety has been triggered by a specific thing, your counselor may suggest that you try using exposure therapy to help you learn to manage the way that you feel. Exposure therapy is a process of desensitization that teaches you to face the things triggering your anxiety in a slow and controlled way. You may begin by talking about them before actually physically confronting the object or scenario. Exposure therapy can be stressful in itself and isn’t recommended for every individual. However, it can be extremely successful and enable individuals to obtain long-term control over their anxiety.   

If you would like to find out more about how counseling can help you to manage your anxiety, please visit Comprehensive Counseling Services, LLC, in Tallahassee, Florida or call at (850) 688-2244. 

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