The coronavirus pandemic has had a significant impact on our lives. Millions of people around the world face challenges that can be overwhelming and stressful. Public health and safety protocols like social distancing are crucial in diminishing the spread of the infection. But they’re also making people feel isolated, frustrated, and many more. These will only increase feelings of anxiety. Are you looking for ways to deal with stress in a healthy way? Here are some of the best mental health tips you can listen to while in a pandemic:

Use Effective Coping Mechanisms


Self-care is essential, especially during these trying times. But it’s an ongoing challenge, so you need to adapt. Many coping mechanisms can become obsolete in the face of a global health crisis. Switch up your strategies as needed. Experts point out that there are various coping mechanisms you can use. These include acceptance, active coping, and positive reframing. Instrumental support plays a key role too.

Focus on What You Can Control


People generally don’t do well with uncertainty. Mental health professionals report that it’s the root cause of so much misery during this pandemic. Uncertainty about your job, relationships, safety, your own emotions, and the future can take a toll on you. So, instead of focusing on these, channel your energy into actionable steps. These include planning a fun activity for the future, engaging in relaxing activities, or volunteering. Even creating something, re-discovering a long-lost hobby, or learning a new one is a healthy diversion from the endless blast of bad news.

Limit the Shoulds From Your Self-Talk


It may be tempting to keep on telling yourself about what you should and shouldn’t be doing during this pandemic, like starting a workout program, writing a new book, and many more. But you have to fill your cup with things that foster positivity and resilience. Of course, you can feel discouraged and even have a meltdown occasionally. That’s fine. Try positive self-talk whenever you can, though. Start a gratitude journal, write down your strengths, and list new goals. But take a break with no expectations of yourself. The shoulds will only make you feel guilty, ashamed, and inadequate.

Take Advantage of Available Resources


It’s been challenging to get together and make new friends. But the pandemic has normalized virtual connections by creating more opportunities for people to interact online. Many mental health service providers have moved to virtual consultations. Although the platform has its own limitations, there’s no denying that there are those who prefer this. Some people, who wouldn’t and couldn’t seek out help, now have talked to someone for the first time because there’s this option. So, use the internet strategically. Don’t just surf incessantly to fill up idle time. Join online support groups and communities or get virtual therapy if need be.


Learn more mental health tips to improve quality of life, contact Comprehensive Counseling Services, LLC in Tallahassee, Florida at (850) 688-2244

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