Addiction is a very complex and misunderstood problem. One of the biggest misconceptions about addiction is that those who suffer from the condition consistently fail to make the right choices. In fact, research has found that addiction interferes with normal brain function.

Addiction: an overview

Addiction is primarily caused by an issue with a neurotransmitter called dopamine. Our brain releases dopamine when we do something that we find enjoyable, such as having an alcoholic drink or having sex. Dopamine reinforces our brain’s association between an activity and pleasure, urging us to seek out the activity in order to achieve the same effect again. The more we engage with the pleasure-inducing activity, the more dopamine our brain produces until eventually, there’s so much that it starts producing less in response to normal triggers. When this happens, we crave more and more of the substance or activity in order to try and make up for what our brain is no longer releasing.


Addiction can have a range of effects on our day to day life. One of the first things that tend to happen is that we lose interest in hobbies and other activities. This happens because our brain no longer produces the same level as dopamine as before when we do them. This makes them seem less appealing and we may withdraw from them. Without help, the need to try and achieve the same ‘buzz’ of dopamine can lead to addiction spiraling out of control, and this can put our relationships, job, and health at risk.

Types of addiction

There are two types of addiction. These are known as chemical and behavioral. As you might expect, chemical addiction refers to that which involves the use of substances and includes addictions to alcohol, prescription drugs, illegal drugs, and other substances. Behavioral addictions are also a common problem, and these can include gambling, shopping addiction, exercise addiction, sex addiction, and social media addiction.

Counseling support groups for addiction

Counseling support groups for addiction give people an opportunity to share their personal experiences while providing emotional guidance and support for addicted people at moments of weakness. However, alongside the usual benefits associated with group therapy, such as confidentiality, impartiality, empathy, and the development of new coping strategies, counseling support groups offer patients the chance to build lasting relationships with people who understand them. This is particularly important at the moment during the COVID-19 pandemic.


Addiction and COVID-19

The social isolation of forced quarantine, combined with the additional stress that is being caused by the current COVID-19 pandemic, can significantly increase susceptibility to addictions – be they substance abuse, alcohol dependency, gambling, or something else.


In the case of alcohol and drug addictions, it is particularly important to be aware that the health risks associated with chronic use of such substances can also put patients at greater risk from COVID-19 and the damage it causes. This is because chronic drug/alcohol use can weaken the immune system and put undue stress on the body’s cardiovascular and respiratory systems – both of which are targeted by the COVID-19 virus.


Connecting with other people via group therapy, even if the sessions are being held online or over the phone rather than face to face, will remind you that you do have a support network of empathetic individuals who understand just what you are going through. Together, and with the support of your therapist, it is possible to make it through the current crisis without relapsing, and come out the other side feeling strong and in control.


If you are concerned that the current pandemic has had a detrimental effect on your recovery from addiction and you would like to talk to someone about obtaining additional support, please don’t hesitate to contact our office where our team would be happy to help you.

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